How do you “perform”?

This is more like a question than a blog post, hahah. But yes, this is something that I have been wondering about. From my limited experience and exposure in trips to different countries, I noticed there are folks that somehow so eloquent in speaking and storytelling. For example, Sergio Barros in Covent Garden Street. Barros is one of the legends in the area, and I had the honor to watch his performance. It was an impromptu moment, even! We were on the Covent Garden with my sister-in-law and her husband, and we saw Sergio Barros’ performance. I remember it was so hilarious and entertaining. This is a video by someone watched his performance 10 years ago (!)

I’m jealous, hahah. I know that it comes from years of experiences and honing one’s skills, and I hope I could learn a thing or two.

I always believe that storytelling is a skill that needed to be mastered. We don’t want to “hear” history. We want to hear stories from history, from everything. Thanks to technology and science, we know why earthquakes happen. But do we know that people in the olden days shared stories that “… Neither do you know, why there is an earthquake. He has told me that you don’t know why it shakes. It shakes because the moon, the sun, and the earth are fighting”? Now we know.

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