It has been quite some time from my last post, and this blog has been pretty quiet — although things have been pretty far from quiet in real life.
First, we celebrated Eid al-Fitr on May 12. I filed for AFK (Away From Keyboard) — day offs — for two weeks to celebrate Eid. We usually go back to Indonesia to celebrate Eid with our families, but due to the raging pandemic, we haven’t set our feet in Indonesia soil since late 2019.

But I asked for 2-weeks AFK anyway. I feel I need a good break and rest from work. Also, I’ve been planning to tidy some stuffs in the house. I’ve been watching cozy lifestyle videos on Youtube recently, and it motivates me to tidy up the house (and maintain it.)
I also continued rebuilding my Animal Crossing island. There are times I wonder WTH am I doing, but I decided to just go with the flow and design the island using forestcore-style.
Second news is vaccination. Yes! We finally got our first dose of vaccine! My husband and I are using AstraZeneca vaccine and we had our appointment on May 15.

This is the reason why I also glad I took my 2-week AFK. The vaccine side-effects hit us for 2-3 days. It was started with dizziness and muscle cramp, then followed by mild fever — that type of annoying 37°C-ish fever where you feel you are not feverish enough, but you know you are unwell.
We didn’t took any specific medications; only paracetamol, vitamin C, vitamin B12, and tons of water. On the third day after the vaccination (H+3), I found myself sweating. a. lot. Like, seriously a lot, as if I’m a sinner in the Vatican or in Mecca. It felt like my body flushed itself out and getting rid of God-knows-what that have been sitting for God-knows-when.
Now, the last — but not the least — news is, Malaysia is back to total lockdown nationwide on June 1 to June 14. The responses from the public have been quite a mix (as expected,) but the general sense is relief. We hit > 9000 cases on Saturday (May 29) — and it’s only for one day — and a decision was made: Nationwide lockdown to ensure we can bring the numbers down and to speed up the vaccination rate.

Lets hope for the best. It has been a really long year, and 2021 still feels like 2020 ver. 0.2. Lets do our best to ensure we can help each other. Stay safe and stay healthy, friends!