Last year, I wrote about how I (finally) found the joy in listening to podcasts:
Listening to podcast has been quite a bumpy ride for me. I can converse and understand English pretty well, yes, but I’m still not comfortable on listening podcast because it feels like it needs additional level of effort (listening and comprehension skills) and I always thought podcast is One Serious Business.
It took baby steps for me to learn how to listen to podcast (yes, I have to learn about it) — mostly on how to navigate and put my focus when listening. I found that the best way to listen to English-language/speaking podcast is by sitting comfortably and having warm beverages because I need to listen properly to get the gist of what the podcast is all about. When I listen to Indonesian-language/speaking podcast, then I can do other stuffs. It feels like listening to high school gossips (I used to do that. I’m that kid who usually draw or read comics at the back of the class, sitting quietly, and some classmates gossiping near me. I’m not sure why they did that, though. Maybe they didn’t see me as a threat?)
Just recently, I found Brené Brown’s podcasts and I’m so thrilled to see one of the podcast series is about leadership. Currently, I’m undergoing a role switch and I’m doing my onboarding/training since last week (hence the quietness) — and Brené Brown’s podcast on leadership is such a welcoming comfort.
These are the podcasts I currently subscribed to:
You might noticed the title on WP Briefing is “Episode 6…” while the episode “Who Is WordPress” is actually the first episode on the podcast. This is due to a hiccup on Spotify and the team is aware of this — and this shouldn’t make the awesomeness of the podcast any less ?
Do you have podcasts that you love to listen? Feel free to share!
4 responses to “(Finally) Figuring Out Podcasting — and still trying to figure it out now”
Oh I am obsessed with Brene Brown too! Love her laughter so much. And likewise, I can listen to podcast in Bahasa Indonesia anytime, sometime at work. While for English podcast, need to hone my focus hard. I find the best way to listen to English podcast is by playing mundane puzzle game 😀
I like to listen to the Dave Chang Show (food and some jokes), 99% Invisible (magazine style on design in daily life) and Kejar Paket Pintar (my fave Indonesian podcast).
Woah! This is new! Puzzle game such as Candy Crush or Homescapes? I’m going to try it!
Thanks for the recommendations too! I’m going to check them out ?
Kok sama ya haha, kalau podcast bahasa inggris dengerinnya harus fokus. Tapi emang podcast bahasa inggris lebih padet sih isinya hehe. Kalau saya suka dengerin podcast TEDx sama Harvard Business Review. Kalau yang bahasa indonesia Asumsi Bersuara sama Bebas Aktif. Kadang-kadang Total Politik.
Nah iya! Kaya musti lebih fokus ya. “Aduh, tadi itu ngomong apa ya…” Kaya ga bisa bengong dikit ? Terima kasih rekomendasinya! Karena saya ga familiar sama podcast, kalo liat di chart Spotify rata-rata podcast berbahasa Indonesia itu seperti berbagi cerita galau. Dompet udah cukup galau padahal ?