I have been having sinusitis infection for the past 3-4 days, and “annoyed” would be an understatement. I really hate sinusitis because unlike common cold virus, it refuses to go after 3 days. Sure, sinusitis is not contagious. But in this kind of situation? Try to blow your nose without people looking at you with alarmed look.
(Although the good side is, at least people will keep their distance from me so yay social distancing.)
I decided to make myself a wedang jahe (ginger tea). I smashed a couple of big-sized old ginger, three stalk of lemongrass, a quarter cup of rock sugar, and two big chunks of palm sugar. I got myself a cup of hot wedang jahe and keep the rest in the fridge. It was pretty nice, though. You can taste the ginger’s heat on your throat.

This has been a really trying and worrying moment. Stay healthy, all. We can go through this together. We can do this.