I’m that kind of person with the ability of killing a plastic cactus. Once, a golden pothos perished on my hand. PERISHED. A gardener once went agape when I mentioned to them that I once killed a mint plant. Mint is a very invasive, strong plant — it even considered as garden weed. And I killed it.
Anyway, that doesn’t stop me from trying. Yesterday, I bought myself a Thai chili plant, bayleaf plant, and kaffir lime plant. Bought a couple of jade plants too, so I’m happy.

And I found out that I’m proud plantmom! ?

LOOK AT THAT TINY CUTIEPIE, OKAY. SOMETHING ACTUALLY ALIVE AND THRIVE UNDER MY CARE — or, uh, neglect. Because sansevieria thrives on neglect.

I was so confused when I water the smaller sansevieria because it supposed to stay on the center — while I noticed it seems like slightly moved to the side and the pot seems crowded.
I tilted the pot and I noticed a wee smaller plant next to its bigger sibling! Yay!
Please wish me luck! Hopefully the plants are staying healthy and happy!
2 responses to “Plants Updates”
High five plant mom! That cute little baby leaves indeed what motivates me to care for them. My current favorite is dwarf banana tree, a new leave for each week!
Yaaay! Thank you! ?????? And yes, they are super cute! I really hope I can take better care of them so they will grow healthy ?