When I read Marie Kondo’s book ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up’, I remember the part where she shared her personal story on how she tends to tidy things up/organizing her desk on the night before exams instead of studying.

When I read that part, I went, “oh Lord. This is meeeeee!” — I guess that’s one of the reasons why I really like Marie Kondo. Her experiences resonated with me.
When I get nervous/worried, I usually do journaling. I would open my bullet journal book, and even rewrote the entries. I would nitpicking every smallest thing on my journal — the handwriting looks weird, the formatting is not as neat as previous month’s, the ink looks off.
Then, I could leave the journal unattended for days, even weeks.
And now, as if bullet journal is not enough, I decided to try DayOne app — partly because of the recent acquisition by Automattic. I never (? Rarely? I once used Evernote, but for to-do list and it failed on my end) use any journaling app and this is a really new experience for me.
Although, now that I’m thinking about it again, social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Kakao Story — those are actually journaling tool too! Well, if you are okay with the whole dumpster fire called “Twitter”, though.
Oh. A bit of FYI. I tried exporting/sharing my DayOne entry to my WordPress.com blog (from one app to another.) Somehow the only exported content is the picture/image — and no texts at all. Is that expected? (This is my first time using DayOne, so I don’t know how the sharing feature behaves.)
I also found that I tend to write when I get nervous/panicking/worried. That might explain the impulse with DayOne and this blog post. I hope I can be on a level where I write because I want to write and I can finally not giving any damn about how this blog will look like for the readers. I found myself keep reminiscing, “oh, I used to blog without any care in the world! I can tell personal daily life stories!” Then do it now, damnit (intended for me personally, not for anyone in particular.)
Anyway. Good night from Kuala Lumpur. Stay safe and stay healthy, friends.

One response to “Journaling”
I really like DayOne’s ability to pull *in* Instagram posts – so my journal is dotted with photos I’ve published as prompts for now, and reminders when I look back.