This Is What Depression Really Looks Like

I’m glad that we finally able to accept and see that depression is there, you know. I’m glad that people now are able to talk about it and actually being helpful about it. I’m glad that some big websites such as Buzzfeed here are talking about this because this is important.

Just yesterday I jotted a thought on my Path.

Mendadak kepikiran.

Selama ini Wira dilatih kalo menjawab pertanyaan, “how are you?” dengan jawaban, “I’m fine. Thank you.”

Iya, itu sekedar basa-basi dan sopan santun saja.

Tapi gw jadi kepikiran, kalo mungkin itu ngebikin jadi… Apa ya, meremehkan keadaan pikiran kita?

“How are you?”

“I’m fine.”

Padahal mungkin nggak baik-baik aja. Bisa aja kita lagi sedih, lagi susah, lagi tertekan — tapi atas nama “sopan santun” kita menjawab “gw baik-baik saja” supaya orang lain ga perlu ikut merasa simpati.

Dan gw rasa itu yang membuat orang-orang yang depresi jadi lebih tertekan.

You are expected to answer “I’m fine” and be bloody fine with it. While you are not. You are not fine, for God sake. You feel trapped, dazed, sad, and you don’t know where to go. And you don’t know how to express it unless people will see you as “over-reacting”, “dramatic”, “gloomy”, or “emo”.

Gw rasa gw harus ngerubah pertanyaan dan jawaban gw ke Wira. Gw belum tau apa dan gimana; tapi gw ga mau anak gw membohongi dirinya sendiri dengan kalimat, “I’m fine” hanya karena sedari kecil dia dilatih seperti robot untuk berkata begitu.

If you feel really fine, that’s really nice. I hope you will enjoy the rest of your day.

If you don’t feel fine and need somebody to talk to, hey, I’m here, all ears, and zero judgment.

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